Tangram & stomachion

TANGRAM is a puzzle game of Chinese origin composed of seven tablets and invented, probably, during the Song Dynasty, 960-1279. The objectives of the game can be twofold: reassemble the initial square (see below) or form any other figure using all the pieces, without overlapping. The word “Tangram” may be derived from the Chinese word tang and the Greek word gramma. In Chinese it means “the seven stones of wisdom.” The tangram arrived in Europe in the early 19th century, but it was Lewis Carroll, pseudonym of the writer and mathematician Charles Dodgson, author of the book Alice in Wonderland, who revived and popularized it a few decades later.

STOMACHION is a more complicated version of the tangram; it is played the same way but consists of fourteen figures that make up a square.

left: Stomachion - right: tangram

How to play

Using the colored polygons put the puzzle back together. How many ways can you do this? In the vertical magnetic panel, you can use the shapes of the tangram in magnetic material to make up the red square in the center and create new figures. On the horizontal base you can use the large tangram or stomachion shapes to make up the square.

The stomachion is considered a game that greatly benefited to strengthen our memory, when we were children.

How to build

  • Horizontal pallet (120×120 cm)
  • Vertical pallet (100×215 cm)
  • Wood and cardboard base for playing (80×80 cm)
  • Stomachion large shapes (MDF) & Tangram large shapes (MDF)
  • Cardboard title panel (100×20 cm)
  • Cardboard panel with magnetic panel (100×100 cm) for tangram with magnetic tiles
  • Cardboard panel with “STOMACHION” explanation (65×10 cm) for cardboard base